APWU South Jersey Area Local Hosts A Retirement Seminar

Come join us and learn how to maximize your retirement!

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2025 @ 9AM / 12PM / 4PM

900 RTE. 168, SUITE D-3



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OWCP: USPS Guidelines and Resources

The US Postal Service has fulfilled its obligation by disseminating specific guidelines for administering federal injury compensation laws and regulations. These directives are outlined primarily in Chapter 540 of the Employee and Labor Relations (ELM) and the EL 505 Handbook, Injury Compensation. Meanwhile, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP), specifically the Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC), assumes responsibility for processing claims submitted by Postal Service employees. The DFEC’s website offers valuable insights into the claims process, featuring publications such as “Questions and Answers About the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (CA 550)” and “Injury Compensation for Federal Employees (CA-810).”

While the Postal Service is mandated to furnish employees with the necessary forms for filing OWCP claims, these forms are also accessible through the Department of Labor’s website. Additionally, information regarding the recently implemented Consolidated Bill Processing and Medical Authorization System is available. For those seeking a deeper comprehension of how OWCP Claims Examiners (CEs) adjudicate claims, an exploration of the Program Procedures is recommended. Of particular significance is Claims, FECA, Part 2, which delineates the procedures for adjudicating, remunerating, and managing claims, encompassing the appeals process and other specialized topics.

To get more information, you can:

1. Scan the QR code above.

2. Click this link: https://apwu.org/injury-compensation-owcp


3. Download the two (2) documents below.

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Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB)

The Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 (PSRA) was signed into law in April 2022. Since then, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in conjunction with the Postal Service, has been working to implement a new Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program, as required under the new law. PSHB is a new, separate program within the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program and will be administered by OPM. Coverage under the PSHB Program will be effective January 1, 2025.

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