EAP Updates


My name is Susan from EAP in the South Jersey district. I was checking out the union website and am hoping that EAP  could be mentioned as a resource on the website. I wanted to provide some handouts (attached below)for you to distribute, as necessary. They include some awesome new features available to employees and their family members.

The same methods are available such as  24/7 hotline and website access for info or referrals; but we also have a Talkspace option and Mystrength feature that is new and available at no charge to the employees.  If you have any questions, please reach out. Thanks for your time.

 Make the call to the EAP at 1-800-327-4968 or visit the website www.eap4you.com 24 hours a day for information and help.

 Susan White, MA, LPC, NCC

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