Lessons Learned From the Canadian Door Delivery Fight

(This news was originated from the National Website, on August 21, 2018,  Convention News Bulletin 3-2018)

Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) President, Mike Palecek, made fiery remarks illuminating the CUPW’s strategy to fight against parasitic privatizers in Canada and discussed how it can be applied to the APWU’s fight.

“Like you, we were facing a manufactured crisis that could be solved in an instant, but they have an interest in destroying the services we provide. They needed that crisis to justify their agenda,” he said.

Through a strong organization, mobilization and action, the CUPW was successful in restoring door-to-door delivery. He explained that they built a “tent of allies,” mobilizing anyone with a stake in public postal services for door delivery: including the elderly, those with disabilities, and people in rural communities. Their allies joined them in solidarity to fight back cuts that would hurt their community.

“I believe in the power of the APWU,” he exclaimed. “I know that you can mobilize this country to defend this Postal Service!”

Facing the Battles Ahead Through Postal Union Solidarity

(This news was originated from the National Website, on August 21, 2018,  Convention News Bulletin 3-2018)

National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) President Paul Hogrogian addressed the vital importance of postal union solidarity and a united effort in facing the battles ahead.

He reminded the delegation that postal unions must put our differences aside and lead the fight to save the USPS and fight for union-friendly legislators.

Hogrogian continued to speak about how together the postal unions must all fight, “to enact meaningful postal legislation that is fair for all postal workers, fair for the Postal Service and fair for the American public.”

He said that working together, the postal unions can ensure, “that worker-friendly, union-friendly, postal-friendly candidates, regardless of political affiliation, are elected to Congress,” and can also, “elect a worker-friendly, union-friendly candidate to the White House.”

Delegates Act on Constitutional, Labor-Management Resolutions

(This news was originated from the National Website, on August 21, 2018,  Convention News Bulletin 3-2018)

Delegates spent much of the convention’s second day considering resolutions submitted to the Constitution Committee, chaired by Minneapolis Area Local President Peggy Whitney.

Two changes to the union’s constitution were approved: an adjustment in the Support Services Director’s salary to make it equal to the compensation received by other craft directors and strengthening language preventing Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) non-supervisory employees from running for union office.

Christopher Gaeta,
Salt Lake City Area Local

During often passionate debate, delegates considered seven resolutions involving retirees: including retiree dues, representation at conventions and voting in national union elections. All failed to achieve the two-thirds vote required for adoption.

In other convention business, delegates continued their work on consideration of Labor-Management resolutions. The convention adopted resolutions concerning work hours, Postal Support Employee (PSE) and Non-Traditional Full-Time (NTFT) conversions, overtime and seniority.