(This article was first reported in the June 2018, Local Newsletter)
Written by: Mike Wright, Director of Associate Offices of APWU, SJAL #0526
What integrity?
In March, the District Manager had sent a memo to all managers on Workplace Integrity. This memo has been sent out almost monthly by current and former District Managers. Unfortunately, there must be a glitch in some of the managers’ e-mail system throughout the district. Here’s a few examples.
Office A had carriers allegedly coming back mid-route to sweep and empty trash cans then go back and deliver mail. The same office has at least six instances of deleted clock rings to avoid Overtime and Penalty. This office also said our Requests for Information were “Fishing Expeditions” since the NALC had just found some discrepancies there. Guess we caught one.
Office B had over 200 hours in which the carrier/closing 204b was put under OC 747 (Custodial hours). When I questioned management, they said it was an “Administrative Error” and the 204b should have been under OC 737 for Express Mail. This might float if they didn’t have days where the 204b was taken off 737 and moved to 747 (Custodial).
Office C has a 204b, which we didn’t receive prior notification for, logging into the RSS for a PSE and letting the PSE work the Retail Window under the logon of the 204b. Then after pointing it out to them on a Friday, did the very same thing the following Saturday.
Not sure why the district pumps out Workplace Integrity Memos monthly, when you have offices who show complete disregard towards the District Managers and their memos, the Unions, and the Collective Bargaining Agreement. No matter how bad the fraud, those responsible still seem to get moved up the ladder.
On a positive note, we won two more reversion grievances since my last article, Medford and Woodbury. Add that to the Mt. Laurel job award and the reposting of a NTFT job in Hammonton as a Traditional Full-Time position.
We had an office where a carrier and clerk weren’t getting along, it’s been a long-time stance of mine, since Woody had first trained me, never to go “craft v. craft”. Best solution make management aware that they’re (management) responsible for maintaining a safe work environment, if that doesn’t work file an Article 14 (Safety), 1767 (safety form) or EEO against management for allowing they fighting to happen and creating a Hostile Work Enviroment. Most times this gets things resolved quickly with no fault to the craft.
It’s been said more than once, don’t be afraid to speak out, there are items in place, Zero Tolerance Policy, ELM 911 (Retaliation), NLRB charges, and EEOs. That are in place if management does decide to retaliate against an employee who notifies the Union about contractual issues.