Hello sisters and brothers!
As being your editor, I will do my best to bring you any/all news to help inform you and keep you up-to-date. As a steward, I too am fighting the battles along-side with an outstanding group of leaders around me, but just like all members, I too work my craft. With that being said, I may end up posting several articles in a week’s time, and then I might not post for another few days/weeks. Either way, I will get you the information.
Also, I am still in the process of transferring the information from the previous website location, manually… Since there is also a new Facebook account, as soon as all of the old content is removed from the old website, the old Facebook Page will be also closed. This is allowing transition time for any member who is not aware of the new Facebook location to join as a Friend or Follower.
Feel free to comment on any of the articles posted here on the website. Feedback is welcome. Thanks for your patience during this whole website/Facebook transition. Remember that information is strength in our solidarity!
Your Editor,
Tony Rodriguez