Brothers and Sisters, as we have corresponded previously, our National Day of Action to save the United States Postal Service from the Trump administration’s plan to privatize the U.S. Mail, is scheduled for Monday, October 8. So far it appears many locations have not coordinated a meeting with your Representative. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Below is the article from the APWU website on this rally which includes a listing of already confirmed locations where rallies are being held. Also see the interactive map on the NALC‘s website by clicking on the second link below.
Please advise me if you have lined up meetings with your Congressional Representatives that are not contained on these lists. Remember, the U.S. Mail is not for sale. Mike
Mike Gallagher
Eastern Region Coordinator
American Postal Workers Union
1401 Liberty Place
Sicklerville, NJ 08081
856-740-0633 phone
856-740-0742 fax