Further keeping you up-to-date, it seems that USPS has yet another “idea”. Assistant Clerk Craft Director, Lynn Pallas-Barber had this to say:
Brothers and Sisters,
Please find attached a recent notification received June 14, 2017 whereas the USPS plans to install a keying station to each Small Package Sorting System (SPSS) machine. This addition should not change the current staffing and craft jurisdiction on the machine since the August 7, 2015 craft jurisdiction letter. The keying stations/induction sites will be operated and staffed by the Clerk Craft.
It has always been the position of the APWU that the proper Clerk Craft position description for the bid duty assignments on this machine is the Parcel Post Distributor Machine (see attached) which requires a keying qualification. Any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
So if this machine is in your facility and any other craft is working on this machine other than a Clerk, inform your local steward or call the main office to speak with the Business Agent so that the proper grievance can be filed. The attachments spoken of are placed below for you to read and download.