Written by: Tony Rodriguez
On April 15th, APWU Local #89 of Philadelphia held a rally at City Hall. There were several purposes for this rally:
- To inform the public that USPS receives 0 (zero) – no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.
- Financial hardships for the USPS were manufactured by the 2006 “Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act.” This Congressional action forced the Postal Service to “pre-fund” future retiree health care costs 75 years into the future. The unfair burden is directly responsible for the reduction in the hours of operation, staffing, mail speed, and the quality of postal services. (Click the link above and scroll to: SEC. 803. HEALTH INSURANCE to see the details)
- To give the public an understanding and gain support of H.R. 933 and H.R. 33.
Now for those who have worked for USPS for a while, may be aware of these things. Those who have just joined the ranks, are definitely not in the loop of this. The public – DEFINITELY – has no clue about these things. Cutting to the chase… There are people in Washington, D.C. that want to privatize USPS. In February, Trump suggested that USPS cut retirement and health benefits. On March 12th, it was reported that Trump’s postal reform proposal wants to get rid of the Unions. Six days later, on the 18th, Trump proposes a pay and benefits cut.
Privatization of USPS will, in turn, affect personal mail, packaging and shipping; not only for each and every person who presently relies on USPS services, but it will affect every small-business owner and the military soldiers and veterans. Put it like this, USPS (on a grand scale) is the most affordable, secure and reliable mailing/shipping entity world-wide. Let’s not get into the “Constitutional-side” about this.
Look at it this way, WE (the public) have lived receiving personal mail, sale advertisements, packages, post cards and the like through USPS as long as we can remember. We’ve paid postage, bought packaging goods and money orders and have even sent secured mail right at our local post offices all across America. It has ALWAYS been affordable. UPS, FedEx and the like, only ship packages, at a more costly price. TRUTH: You have occasionally received busted packages, or packages have been delayed, from ALL services at one time or another. That proves that nobody’s system is perfect. But who has always been the most affordable and has over a hundred years of service to the public?? – USPS.
Let me get more personal… As a veteran who served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm (Dec1990-June1991), to a military man/woman, deployed in somebody else’s country, there’s no better feeling than getting a letter or care package from that loved one back in the States. Yeah… it gets delayed in the internal military process of redirecting it to the unit of the service member. But getting it means the world once it is time for mail call. USPS made that happen since World War I and every conflict the U.S. has participated in ever since, putting a smile on the face and giving a reason to fight for our freedoms… affordably. FedEx, UPS and the others don’t deliver to APO (Army Post Office and is associated with Army or Air Force installations) and FPO addresses (Fleet Post Office and is associated with Navy installations and ships).
As someone who has had, (and currently running) a small business, USPS is perfect for entrepreneurs and small businesses (online and physical). Whether they are on the startup or up and running full swing. There’s a lot of mailing and shipping involved. With the affordable pricing and the dependable tracking USPS has, we tend to opt away from the higher priced competitors.Does USPS have to restructure their operations? YES.
Do they have to be sold to the highest bidder, that will:
- raise mailing and shipping prices?
- opt into cutting the workforce, wages and benefits?
- lop-side the income in the company to where the present working man will have no future to look forward to?
- change the way you presently receive your mail and packages?
- take no responsibility nor pride in giving you (the public) the best service possible?
- take away one of the last businesses that still have person-to-person interaction that is a part of your neighborhood?
The answer to ALL OF THAT, is – NO. Will it happen? If the public is not informed and the powers that be can continue to pass laws and make things happen in the plain sight of America and there is no action taken against it – YES.
So PUBLIC… rally alongside of the postal Unions and go to usmailnotforsale.org or call 202-224-3121 to contact your members of Congress. Tell them you support your public Postal Service! And remember… U.S. MAIL IS NOT FOR SALE!!!