Working people stopped right to work in Missouri

Mike Louis, Missouri AFL-CI, sent us an email to share a major victory for Missouri.


Working women and men in Missouri turned out a huge “NO” vote on ballot measure Proposition A yesterday and rejected harmful “right to work” laws that were passed in the state Legislature  last year.

This victory belongs to working people. It was our phone calls, our door knocks and, ultimately, our vote that had the final say.

Share our graphic to celebrate Missouri’s momentous win for the entire labor movement.

Working families have stood united against this anti-worker legislation since the very beginning. Right to work is a threat to the stability of our families and communities. Stopping the passage of right to work in Missouri helps our momentum to fight this bad legislation nationally.

Our win yesterday proves yet again that working people are fired up and will not relent in our fight for a level economic playing field and the freedom for all workers to collectively bargain for higher wages, better benefits, and a loud, clear voice on the job.

Thank you for standing with us and supporting our work here for Missouri’s workers and the entire labor movement. It would mean a lot to us if you would proudly share this graphic. It is, after all, a win for all working people.

Share this graphic to congratulate Missouri workers on defeating Prop A and celebrate the labor movement’s win in Missouri yesterday.

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