Maximum Work Hours: Work Day/Work Week

We’re seeing issues in the field with offices working their PSEs/PTFs over a 12-hour span as outlined in the ELM 432.32. I have at least one active grievance on the issue. With a second office I’m waiting on the clock rings. Personally, I will be asking for 50% premium for the employee(s) on all hours worked outside the 12-hour window with progressive remedies for future violations. I will also be filing a second grievance on offices where it happens again under safety (Article 14). Please advise the field to follow the guidelines of the contract.

Mike Wright
Director of Associate Offices


ELM 432.32: Maximum Hours Allowed
Except as designated in labor agreements for bargaining unit employees or in emergency situations as determined by the postmaster general (or designee), employees may not be required to work more than 12 hours in 1 service day. In addition, the total hours of daily service, including scheduled workhours, overtime, and mealtime, may not be extended over a period longer than 12 consecutive hours. Postmasters and exempt employees are excluded from these provisions.

Download this document to assist in understanding the 12/60 Work Limitation.

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