(This was originally in the SJ Area Local Newsletter of April 2019. Written by: Chris Dluoik)
small ISSUE
We have a Post Master working in the South Jersey District that we refer to as HEADCASE. This clown must have been beat up every day when little, my bad this PM is still little. The PM’s hobbies are harassing the disabled, belittling his employees on the workroom floor, gossiping and spreading false accusations about employees; just to feel like the big person on campus. All the years I worked for this company; I have never seen anyone like this narcissistic, immature individual who believes the rules don’t matter. As union representatives, we won’t allow this kind of erratic behavior towards our membership. Our members deserve the to be treated with dignity and respect, not be bullied by narcissistic PMs. We have filed grievances addressing this tyrant, but apparently the district finds it acceptable to treat employees in this manner. District plays an enormous part in this PM’s behavior problem for not dealing with this individual’s deliberate attacks on employees with disabilities. What happen to the VOICE OF THE EMPLOYEE? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY?
There are managers that do treat employees with dignity and respect, but there are a few bad apples that need to be tossed. The district has given the appearance that the voice of the employee and the Zero Tolerance policy does not apply to their supervisors. If they did, we would have a better batch of apples!
The Struggle is Real, The Struggle Continues!!!!!!