PTF Conversion Opportunities

The attached news article and available residual vacancy listing will also be posted on the APWU webpage. PTF clerks who are interested should go to the APWU Clerk Division webpage. The news article summarizes the MOU and the parties implementation process. This update does not change the current process, it just provides additional information for the PTF when making their decision.

The eReassign preference(s) deadline is March 21st, 11:00 pm CDT. PTF clerks can also revise their prior eReassign selections based on this new concise available residual vacancy listing.

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Below is a list of the locations available.


Latest COVID-19 Releases As Of: March 29, 2020

Keeping you informed of all the latest information released by both APWU National and USPS Headquarters.

Temporary Expanded Use of Voyager Card (LDC)_3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 16_EAP available__3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 17_Interacting with HCR_3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 18_Staying vigilant_3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 20_Health and well-being remain priority_3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 21_PO Box payment grace period_3.29.2020
Retail Standup Talk Temporarily Suspending RCE Shops__3.29.2020
DSI Guidance_3.29.2020
SUT Social Media_3.29.2020
MDC Bargaining Unit Telework_3.29.2020
Customer Retention Sites Telework_3.29.2020
Temporary Exception_Postmaster Performing Bargaining Unit Work_3.29.2020
HRSSC – signed__3.29.2020
IT-AS Expanded sick leave – signed__3.29.2020
USPS Passport Scheduler Change Implemented_3.29.2020
Retail Directive to District Managers and Postmasters_3.29.2020
AVP Letter – Retail Social Distancing_3.29.2020
Essential Service Provider Letter_3.29.2020
FMLA COVID entitlements_3.29.2020