Latest Information & Updates

From the Desk of Robert Armentani
President, South Jersey Area Local – APWU

It has come to my attention that a Service Talk was given by management regarding the current financial status of the USPS and all the changes that need to be made so that we can remain financially solvent. I was also informed that this talk came with no explanations on how we are being impacted.

On Tuesday 7/14/2020 myself and Executive Vice President Ed Lafferty were asked to attend a meeting with the SJ P&DC Plant Manager regarding the removal of machines from the building and the impact it would have on staffing.

Here is a breakdown of the notes that I took during the meeting.

We have been informed that the SJ Plant will be losing 9 machines: 7 DBCS, 1 AFCS and 1 Flat Sorter. All will be out of service by 7/24/2020. The remaining DBCS machines will be expanded to 302 stackers. We asked about having two sweepers. This will be discussed further when the changes are set to be made.

There will be no more DPS 1st pass on Saturday nights and DPS will start earlier on Sundays.

Staffing for each tour will be changing and there will be re-bidding.

We were told that T-1 will be more like T-2 and T-2 will be more like T-1. There is possible sectional excessing.

The following will be needed on each tour. (Before the expansion to 302)

– T1 – 17 machines Sun to Fri and 5 on Sat (34 employees Sun to Fri and 10 on Sat)

– T2 – 9 machines every day (18 employees)

– T3 – 17 machines Sun to Fri and 4 on Sat (34 employees Sun to Fri and 8 on Sat)

Asked if PSEs will be moving to different tours and was told PSEs will not be moved to T2.

No reduction in PSEs at this time but will probably come later.

The approved Function 1 model is for 189 employees and we currently have 200 on rolls. Therefore, we are currently 11 employees over their approved plan.

Plan is not to excess from the facility but likely possible. We will be kept informed of any decision.

We requested that if there is a need to reduce FTR employees that it be done by attrition rather than excessing. We were told that this will be reviewed and may be possible.

Maintenance – Just with taking out the machines it will reduce workforce by 11 jobs

– Positions will be ETs, MPEs and MMs (not sure how many of each yet)

– Asked about open jobs to offset. Said there may be one on T-1

MVS – No affect on MVS at this point.

You can download this same letter from this link: President Letter for P&DC Bellmawr Plant 2020

Latest Updates and Information

NALC Food Drive Postponement
Our Sisters and Brothers at the NALC have had to postpone the annual food drive.  It will be rescheduled and we encourage you all to support it when it is rescheduled.

Please Disseminate.

Vance Zimmerman
Industrial Relations Director
____________________________________________ DON’T Sign the Petition  has a petition to sign for hazard pay. Our recommendation is NOT to sign this petition. The language could be construed as an act of bargaining unit rights of the Union as it deals with wages. I’ve also attached the Stand Up Talk given on social media from February 25, 2020, which signing the petition could be seen as a violation of this policy and we again recommend NOT signing this due to possible ramifications.

Michael J Wright
Director of Associate Offices

Maintenance Update_4.1.2020
COVID-19 SUT 19_ALL EMPLOYEES_Employee Privacy_4.1.2020

Brothers and Sisters,

Please see the attached notification and the email below in which the Postal Service provided answers to my questions regarding the updates to CODES and the changes to the F-55 and F-85 Handbooks.

Sam Lisenbe
Assistant Director, Clerk Craft

Notification No#3 FY 2020 (3.11.2020)_4.5.2020

    1. <1.> Regarding the Computerized On-Site Data Entry System (CODES) – Is there any dispute that data entry is a clerk craft function?

Data Collection Technician positions are clerk craft positions and are trained data collectors who perform data entry into the CODES software. 

    1. <2.> The 3-6-20 notification letter identifies the procedures for these programs as “data collection”. Who (which craft) will perform the data collection duties involving CCCS, RCCS, and SIRVI?

See above – clerk craft.

    1. <3.> Regarding the In-Office Cost System (IOCS) – At what point, once mail and mail containers are received, is it anticipated/expected that barcode scanning should be performed for IOCS? Is this scanning considered the same as or similar to Arrival-at-Unit scanning? In addition, is the clerk craft assigned to perform the scanning for IOCS?

No, the scans for IOCS have nothing to do with Arrival-At-Unit scans, which are focused on tracking the flow of mail. Instead, IOCS takes a “snapshot in time” of what the sampled employee is doing. After randomly selecting an employee and randomly selecting a moment in time of that employee’s workday, the IOCS data collector (clerk craft) gets scans of the one mailpiece that the employee is handling at that moment. They’ll also scan any barcodes on mail-holding containers (e.g. trays, APCs, pallets) that the employee is handling at that moment.

    1. <4.> Are these changes to the CODES software and data collection policies and procedures expected to affect data collection staffing?


Going the distance

COVID-19 MOU Work Exceptions
While I understand I am not signatory to the COVID-19 exceptions, I am making this suggestion/recommendation to the locals as the Clerk Division Director, in the best interest of our employees, while considering these are very trying times, requiring tough decisions.

The MOUs require the postal service to maximize the employees in many cases as part of the pecking  order.

If I were implementing these agreements at the local level, I would use my judgment on when and how I would be filing grievances.

Any employee that wants to maximize their work opportunities I would afford them those rights per the Agreements.

If an employee did not want to maximize the opportunities due to their own personal safety  reasons, I would secure it in writing from the employee and I would not file a grievance when the postal service failed to maximize the work opportunities per the MOUs pecking order as a result of the clerk employee choosing not to work.

These are very personal decisions. While we do not like opening the door for other crafts or Postmasters to perform bargaining unit work, it is a balancing act of not forcing our folks to work under safety conditions they choose not to work and providing service.

In a perfect world we would hope the overtime desired list and volunteers would suffice.

This pandemic only proves how imperfect our world is.

Be safe and work safe while considering your family and you,

This is not to take away a right already secured during the COVID-19.

We also don’t want this to turn into an open season with the Postal Service thinking they  can blatantly violate the national agreement after the pandemic.

Lamont Brooks
Clerk Division


Brothers and sisters, here is a valuable document the NALC and the USPS signed off on which stops CCAs from working in other offices and limits carriers to their home offices to prevent the spread of COVID.

NALC MOU_4.5.2020


Brothers and Sisters,

See the attached notification regarding the change in Customs Declaration Forms. Effective March 13, the Postal Service began using PS Form 2976-R when transferring information from customers to SSAs for data entry.

Please forward to your local and state leaders.

In Solidarity,

Sam Lisenbe
Assistant Clerk Craft Director

Handwritten Customs Declearation Forms PS 2976_4.5.2020


Other Stand-Up Talks, MOUs and Information
COVID-19 SUT 25_Guidelines for PVS drivers_4.5.2020
COVID-19 SUT 28_Interacting with VMF personnel_4.5.2020
COVID-19 SUT 29_COVID-19 Supplies_4.5.2020
COVID-19 FAQ-2020-04-01_4.5.2020
BME Tech & MRC Qualification Signed_4.5.2020
FFCRA Web Article_4.5.2020

Here’s how APWU has responded for YOU – the members –
APWU COVID-19 Response_4.5.2020


Latest COVID-19 Releases As Of: March 29, 2020

Keeping you informed of all the latest information released by both APWU National and USPS Headquarters.

Temporary Expanded Use of Voyager Card (LDC)_3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 16_EAP available__3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 17_Interacting with HCR_3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 18_Staying vigilant_3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 20_Health and well-being remain priority_3.29.2020
COVID-19 SUT 21_PO Box payment grace period_3.29.2020
Retail Standup Talk Temporarily Suspending RCE Shops__3.29.2020
DSI Guidance_3.29.2020
SUT Social Media_3.29.2020
MDC Bargaining Unit Telework_3.29.2020
Customer Retention Sites Telework_3.29.2020
Temporary Exception_Postmaster Performing Bargaining Unit Work_3.29.2020
HRSSC – signed__3.29.2020
IT-AS Expanded sick leave – signed__3.29.2020
USPS Passport Scheduler Change Implemented_3.29.2020
Retail Directive to District Managers and Postmasters_3.29.2020
AVP Letter – Retail Social Distancing_3.29.2020
Essential Service Provider Letter_3.29.2020
FMLA COVID entitlements_3.29.2020